Alt Text - Markdown and Source Editor allows you to edit your Confluence pages using CommonMark markdown or using the page's raw Storage Format (XML).

Your content is not wrapped in a macro, and once you save the page, there will be no trace that Alt Text Editor was used.

Let each of your team members use their diverse collaboration styles to work in whatever way is best for them!

Read the Guide

Learn how Alt Text Editor can help you to take control of your content by reading the Guide.

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Get Started

Just click the ⎇ Text button in the page's primary action bar. getting started

Choose Your Adventure

Go full-screen and edit using markdown or XML, or open a preview pane to see your changes live. Edit with markdown and XML at the same time and let Alt Text Editor synchronize changes between each pane.

markdown and xml with open menu
Markdown and XML panes open at the same time

Get Help Along the Way

Markdown and Storage Format are not always directly compatible. Alt Text Editor is smart enough to handle these scenarios so that the page is well-formed and saveable.

For example, the below markdown contains one block quote element nested within another block quote. In CommonMark markdown, this is allowed, but Confluence does not allow blocky elements within block quotes.

The editor converts the inner block quote into normal text and lets you know about it.

help messaging
Alt Text Editor letting you know about a conversion that it had to make
